My Laser Pointer always fails/ does not work?
For this problem, we can check two factors to fix this problem.
First please make sure you have removed the little piece of insulating papaer inside.

1. Check the battery.
Please check the battery put in well not upside down.

laser pointer 1

laser pointer 2
2. Change the battery.
If the battery is put well in place but the laser does not work, it may be low powered. So please try to change the battery.
- Please check the battery mode coming with your laser, if it writes 16340, please search for the 16340 3.6V or 3.7V battery
- If it writes 14250, please search the 14250 3.6 or 3.7V battery
14250 3.6V:
Tips: Please check the recommended replaced battery here:
16340 battery: https://www.ebay.com/itm/154537650526
14250 battery: https://www.ebay.com/itm/143837557456?hash=item217d62f2d0:g:Ug8AAOSwdKRf5bF8
Please check the recommended charger here:https://www.ebay.com/itm/223799098804
If you have checked all the methods above but they don't work, please contact: support@moveshootmove.com