Product Manuals --part3
Some More in depth for star tracking:
Our earth has self-rotating, the star is relatively still in space (not 100% accurate, but relatively we can assume it's still ), imagine we standing on a rotating plate A(the earth), but we want to keep our eye (camera's lens) on the star, so we have to rotate our head(camera's lens) in order to keep our eye on the star.
How to rotate our body (camera) automatically? we (camera) stand on another plate B (The rotator), this plate B (Rotator) rotates around the same point as the earth - 'The Polaris', but the plate B rotates in an opposite direction as the earth.
So, the camera's lens keeps pointing on the star, at every moment, the star's light will go through the lens and form image on the sensor. During this process, the camera, the lens, the sensor, and the star are in line at every moment.
The Laser/ Polar Scope orientation:
After the above discussion on the Polar alignment mechanism, we can see:
In order to do the polar alignment, we should (take the Northern Hemisphere as an example):

The GAUDA orientation:
Let the Rotation pad side face to the Polaris.
The Camera orientation:
You can point your camera anywhere of the sky, shoot any star you want.
Attention: Just make sure your (camera + lens)’s gravity center drops on the Rotator, otherwise the leverage effect will amplify the weight more than 3kg to the Rotator.
Why? Once you’ve done the polar alignment, the Rotator has counteracted the earth’s rotation. Standing on the rotator, the camera is now relatively still to the stars.
The Camera exposure setting:
Below is some example setting from our users, you can start practice from here.
ISO 400, 100 seconds, 35mm Lens
ISO1600, 60 seconds, 50 mm lens
For timelapse Mode? - What’s Move Shoot Move?
GAUDA: GAUDA works in Slave Mode.
GAUDA will only move AFTER the photo is taken. That means the camera is completely static DURING the exposure. This lead to the Lens and the object is relatively still. So, you can take a LONGER exposure without getting blurred.